Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Parade Has Left The Building

For the past 6 years I have never had a weekend alone in my home. There are the usual suspects milling about... Nicholas (my significant other), Noah (my kid), Mom (who just pops in whenever), and the other usual peeps who don't knock and just waltz right in and make themselves at home. I'm not complaining. It's just part of my life and the way it is round these parts. But last night and today the usual suspects are all away and I have the house to myself. I've locked the door and put a "We're Closed" sign out front. I. Love. This.

Top 5 things about being home alone:

1. I can sit at the computer and not feel guilt (read - I can shop for shoes online without having to close the window when significant other walks in the room.... If caught the conversation becomes this....Him-Which ones are you gonna get rid of in order to fit in the new ones? Me - None of them. Him - They're taking over the bedroom. Me - And your point is?????)
2. I can walk around naked in the middle of the living room, and try on all the clothes I bought yesterday (Girls know that you HAVE to try on your new clothes when you get home!)
3. I can drink the entire pot of coffee and finish off the half and half.
4. I can be alone with my thoughts and write, write write!
5. I'm not required to listen to anyone. (Honey, I love you, but sometimes your presence is like a parade in the house and it is exhausting! You remind me of Tigger from Winnie the Poo!)... I'm not referring to Noah.

ok, there is a sixth one....
6. I can potty with the door open..... don't know why I like that....

So today I will relish the quiet, aloneness of my house and await the parade that returns on Sunday.

Make it a great day!



  1. Michy, don't enjoy it too much. The parade left my house way too many years ago and at times the silence is truly deafening. I love my solitude, but there are times when I want to breathe the same air as someone I love! (other than my little poochie, Sunny)
